Monday, May 24, 2021

What differentiates those who emerge from hard times better and stronger from those who do not?

I am always shocked by where the inspiration to share content comes from.  For instance, I was thumbing through my emails this morning and the following headline from Medscape caught my eye: The Four Attitudes of Resilient Medical Families.

It was an article by Wayne M. Sotile, PhD that described what attitudes separate those that grow and develop during a crisis from those who do not.  I had been deployed to regions of this country during the COVID-19 pandemic and I saw many folks who were coping very well (like water off a duck's back), and others who were having emotional breakdowns over what seemed (to me) to be the most minor inconveniences.

To summarize, Dr. Sotile lists meaning, wonderment, incorporation, and realistic optimism as vital attitudes to have to come out of a crisis with resilience and strength.  He was speaking specifically to medical families, but I think that it is safe to apply these attitudes to responders and those in leadership roles.

Please take the time to venture over to Dr. Sotile's article at Medscape:

Or his website:

This article contains a wealth of knowledge in a small package.  Worth the time to read.  Thank you Dr. Sotile for sharing!